Acupuncture for Pain Relief
Joint & Muscle Pain Relief
Joint and muscle pain can be uncomfortable and, at times, can be an incapacitating ailment. Acupuncture can relieve chronic and acute pain associated with joints and muscles, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, and tendinitis. Pain can be decreased or eliminated by reducing inflammation, relaxing muscles, addressing tendinitis, and promoting blood and oxygen flow. It can also help to improve circulation, which can help to reduce stiffness and improve the range of motion. Additionally, acupuncture communicates with pain pathways within the brain to regulate neurotransmitters and block pain signals. Acupuncture can also improve joint mobility by reducing inflammation and pain.
Neck Pain Relief
Back Pain Relief
Sports Medicine
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or to schedule your appointment.
Despite years of suffering from terrible migraines and numerous orthopedic surgeries, I would never have considered acupuncture until a top neurologist at Johns Hopkins strongly suggested it. Subsequently, after comprehensively reviewing practitioners in the Boulder County area, I concluded that Melissa was the best fit for me, I could not have been more fortunate. Melissa is an exceptional practitioner; truly committed to her art and patients; compassionate, gentle and highly skilled.
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