Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Can You Guarantee My Condition Will Improve with Acupuncture?
Is Acupuncture Painful?
While sensations can vary for every individual, acupuncture is not usually painful. Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, and are gently and skillfully tapped into place. They are nothing like a hypodermic needle (for injections), which is far thicker and hollow. While acupuncture can elicit some temporary discomfort with some parts of the treatment, the overall experience is usually very comfortable and relaxing. Melissa employs a gentle Japanese approach and tries to make the experience as pleasant as possible. Many of Melissa’s patients have commented on her needling technique and have noted how painless her approach is. There is a small percentage of people who seem to experience more pain with the needling, and if this occurs, the patient can communicate with their practitioner and she will adjust the dosage to better suit that individuals tolerance.
How does Acupuncture Work?
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or to schedule your appointment.